How it Works

Let's Get Started!

Scan or take a picture of your document and email it to us or upload it using the form below to get a free quote.

Make a secure payment online or include a check/money order.

Send your original documents to our office.

We will take care of the rest – promptly authenticate your documents and will return your documents to your address ready to go.

Electronic Intake Form


Please make a payment online or by mail using the information below:

Checks Payable to:
Apostille Please, LLC

Send Documents to:
Apostille Please, LLC
503 Fox Hill Drive
Calverton, New York 11933
Email: [email protected] or
[email protected]

We Accept: Zelle, Venmo, Credit/Debit (5% fee), Money Order, Check, Western Union, Money Gram, Payoneer and Bank Wire. (U.S. funds only)
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 100 MB.

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